Photo of the Week תמונת השבוע La Photo de la semaine
This photo was taken on Yom Haatzmaut. One of the picnicking families called Ezrat Achim after their car got stuck in the mountain terrain. This was one of the cars of volunteers that showed up to pull them to safer ground.
I've been taking photos of these triplets since they were infants. One baby can be quite challenging and my hope is that the photos highlight for this mom of seven young kids how special it is to be raising triplets. Click the photo to see slideshow.
National Kfar Chabad magazine featured a story about Beit Shemesh "Above the Politics" featuring my photos on the cover page and story. To see photos of Israel Chief Rabbi Lau visiting Beit Shemesh click here:
Brit Milah de Shimon Yisrael Click to see slideshow of Brit.
The chassidic boy on his way to visit the site of Kever Shmuel Hanavi (The prophet Samuel) See more
חוה"מ סוכות תשע"ד ילד חסידי רוכב חמור מושכר כשרכב מג"ב עולה לציון שמואל הנביא
הקליקו לראות עוד תמונות
חוה"מ סוכות תשע"ד ילד חסידי רוכב חמור מושכר כשרכב מג"ב עולה לציון שמואל הנביא
הקליקו לראות עוד תמונות
The grandfather's face as he holds his newest grandchild at the bris milah tells how meaningful this moment is to him.
Le grand pere avec le bebe qui a huit jours quand il est entre la brit d' Avraham Avinu. בברית בידי הסבא
Le grand pere avec le bebe qui a huit jours quand il est entre la brit d' Avraham Avinu. בברית בידי הסבא
Sonnerie du Chofar au mois de Elloul, Eretz Israel 2013
Blowing the shofar on Rosh Hashana proclaims G-d's majesty, rulership and kingship over the world. This photo was taken a few days before Rosh Hashana in Israel after the morning prayers.
Blowing the shofar on Rosh Hashana proclaims G-d's majesty, rulership and kingship over the world. This photo was taken a few days before Rosh Hashana in Israel after the morning prayers.